Make Decisions Faster, Make More Progress

Over the years, I’ve realized that there are certain things you need to do to push a project along faster, and ultimately make more progress than others in life and in business. Constantly focusing on these characteristics have helped me grow my business:

Stay Focused

Constantly changing your goals and ideas is a common mistake among young entrepreneurs. My ultimate financial goal is actually the same since I read Think and Grow rich when I was 14. So that being said, stay focused, don’t be an idea jumper and create long-term progress on the idea that excites you now.

Don’t Always Ask for Input

If you’re going to make moves quickly, you can’t be doubting yourself. I don’t have to get approval for every decision I make for my company and it’s important I operate that way. If I am trusted with the future growth, then I need to trust myself, too.

Be Consistent

A lot of people take time to write down their ‘power schedule’. They’re going to start getting up earlier and getting more done in their day. They might actually get started, too. But ultimately, 99% percent of people can’t keep up a high activity schedule. If you want to see greatness in all aspects of your life, you have to be consistent.

Set a Higher Standard for Output

The last thing I think have always pushed me further as en entrepreneur is my own personal standard for putting out work. Top performers and the most influential entrepreneurs work ridiculous hours and put out serious amounts of value into the marketplace. When you’re reviewing the impact of your day, where do you fall?

There are many other characteristics of the successful, but to keep this short those were the four on my mind this morning. What are some characteristics you admire in the successful?

Be great everyone.

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